
Comprehensive International Student Insurance


Our insurance is one of the best valued in Spain, offering extensive coverage at competitive rates. With our plan, you can focus on your studies and enjoy your experience abroad without worrying about unexpected medical expenses.

SKU: N/A Category:


What’s included?

Full Coverage in Spain and emergency coverage abroad for up to 14,000€ per trip.
Suitable for Student visa
Suitable for TIE Renewal
No copayments – No Waiting Period – Unlimited Coverage
Unlimited medical and surgical hospitalizations with medication
24-hour Emergency Service for Home Care and Hospitalization
General Medicine and Pediatrics
Specialized Medicine
Nursing services are provided by qualified professionals.
Coverage for various diagnostic procedures and tests.
Inclusive coverage for specialized treatment methods.
Podiatry (12 Sessions)

Psychotherapy:- Standard Psychotherapy (20 sessions/year)
– Specialized Coverage (40 sessions for eating disorders, bullying, and gender violence).
Access to a second medical opinion for informed decision-making.
Preventive Medicine
Accident Insurance (Compensation €6,010.12)
Work Accidents and Mandatory Motor Vehicle Insurance.
Prostheses and Implants.
Discounts on many dental services


This insurance plan is designed to provide comprehensive and diverse coverage across various medical needs and emergencies. If you have any specific questions or require further details, please feel free to contact us.

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