


Our Local Nest Housing plan is designed for students already living in Barcelona who are ready to upgrade or change their accommodation.

We offer personalized service and expert assistance to help you find the perfect place tailored to your needs, ensuring a smooth and stress-free transition to your new home.



What’s included?


Personal Housing Consultant
Assistance with finding and booking student-friendly accommodation such as shared flats, or residences, including in-person visits whenever possible.


Rental Agreement Assistance
Guidance and preparation for the rental agreement, ensuring clarity on terms, conditions, and your rights as a tenant.


Continuous Check-ins and Support
Ongoing assistance to address any housing-related concerns and ensure comfort throughout your stay.


45-Minute Legal Consultation
This session provides legal guidance for students in Barcelona who wish to extend their stay. We’ll cover essential topics such as visa extension options, work authorization, post-study opportunities, and other legal pathways to ensure you can remain in Barcelona compliantly and with confidence.

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